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Feb 10, 2022 8:28 AM

Nov 2011
Man, this episode was weird. The undeworld king and supernatural powers...

Boji's fight was kinda interesting. Him using those fencing skills and dodging skillfully impressed me. Seriously though, he's improved so much in terms of combat skills over the course of the show. His opponent had some hax techniques though.
Feb 10, 2022 8:31 AM

Nov 2007
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Feb 10, 2022 8:45 AM

Oct 2021
Good Episode!! Bojji's fight was very good.
Feb 10, 2022 9:52 AM

Jul 2017
Ooh, the God of the Underworld Satun, father of the brothers Desha, Despa and Ouken, whom the trio mercilessly eliminated to bring peace to the Underworld kingdom. Ouken turned immortal by age 25, and Desha had no choice but to imprison him to keep him safe. And you can tell who obviously tried to set Ouken free to unleash his cruel immortality, it's almost as if Miranjo is able to manipulate his spirit, calling out to him.

Bojji and Kage finding the unconscious Apeas lying on the ground, but all they got was one message: the total story from the beginning to now with Miranjo wanting to be with King Bosse achieved by whatever means. Like Bojji finding a friend in Kage, Apeas wanted to trust in the old Miranjo (before her evil soul took over), and it's sad that he has to die out of natural body symptoms.

Even within the evil ranks, Miranjo is far less trusting to the bandits, and just nice that Bojji and Kage were able to witness what's happening. Facing the current self-proclaimed king with Ouken that turned into a 1-on-1 of Bojji vs. Ouken, it's a do-or-die affair, something that Despa knows it well not to happen. Indeed, the fight is real good, but Ouken's immortality curse has made him to the point of invincibility that try as Bojji might, there's little to no chance of taking him down. Yet, with the wisp of graciousness in her heart (referring to her old self), Miranjo offered Bojji a way out before he could potentially lose his life.

The cat is out of the bag, and let's see how will Bojji and Kage take all of this.
Feb 10, 2022 10:03 AM
May 2020
Oh wow, so Desha, Despa, and Ouken aren’t even full humans. Man Ouken’s situation sucks, I feel bad for him and his brothers
Feb 10, 2022 10:06 AM

Nov 2014
Shit is getting intense. There are 6 episodes left, but stuff feels like it could end in 1-2.
I hope Bojji manages to get out unscatched somehow. It'd also be nice to learn more about Ouken.
Kage's talk with Miranjo was pretty fun. I wonder what he will do now that he knows who it is.
Feb 10, 2022 10:06 AM

Jan 2009
yep confirmed so Ouken is one of the brothers of Despa and Desha and he is immortal

and Boji is in trouble how can he fight an immortal but great that Boji can evade those freezing attacks of Ouken though

Kage now knows who Miranjo is
Feb 10, 2022 10:08 AM
Sep 2015
The episode itself is an instant classic, I'm witnessing a modern equivalent of Grimms' Fairy Tales. But to make it funnier, let's make it into a metaphor of anime fighting to be the best of this season. Bojji represents Ousama Ranking of course, while Ouken represents AOT/DS. Bojji can't win against immortal but it is a fight that he can't back down.
Feb 10, 2022 10:10 AM
Oct 2016
Back to the fight now that Bojji is done with his introspection with Desha. The amount of stress I felt seeing Bojji fight Ouken at the end of this episode. I was squirming around in my seat unable to relax. That whole scene had me on edge worried for Bojji. Since we got to see that bit at the beginning of the episode showing the three underworld princes whom rose up against their cruel father. Seeing how Ouken just got immortality once he turned twenty five and slowly went insane just like Despa described before.

Bojji actually ran into more people than I thought he would trying to get to Miranjo. Apeas I got worried he would fight Bojji and that would slow things down too much. Good thing that Apeas could see how strong Bojji had become, choosing not to fight as Apeas does care for Bojji even if he follows Miranjo. Bojji did good chasing down the lead criminal, tanking that lame poison gas and paralyzing the guy. Ouken showing up changed things quick. He's absolutely the worst opponent for Bojji since the style Bojji uses jabs pressure points to paralyze and Ouken can just recover from that instantly since he's immortal. That's why Despa didn't want Bojji to fight him, because Ouken could just outlast Bojji and kill him after Bojji becomes too exhausted. This is a bad spot for Bojji to be in.
Feb 10, 2022 10:12 AM
Former AMQ God

Sep 2014
The first episode in the second half in which i thought that it had the mojo of the first half of the show.

Really liked the brief depiction of the Ouken backstory and the fight scene.

Miranjo giving the advice to Kage to run away, was that influenced by the Miranjo in the shadow realm, we got a shot of her and Daida as soon as she said this.
Feb 10, 2022 10:12 AM

Jul 2021
Pretty good epsiode.

We see some back story of the three brothers and how Ouken suddenly became immortal at the age of 25, though it's still not clear what made him go to the dark side.

It is now clear from this episode that everything Miranjo is doing is for her own selfish needs, she just wants to be together with Bosse. Though I don't understand how she got so many people involved in her plan and why is everyone just following and obeying her?

Bojji's fight was nice, that's what I was looking forward to, our Bojji has become a total badass. Still I think no one has a chance against an immortal enemy, you can't kill them so you can't really defeat them. Well unless Ouken surrenders or something and becomes Bojji's friend lmao, now that would be a whole different story.

5/5 episode. Looking forward to next one.
TsutanaiFuunFeb 10, 2022 10:15 AM

The end of an era. Thank you Wit, Mappa and Isayama.
Feeling half happy, half sad.

Kawaii waifus
and precious
  best girls <3333

Feb 10, 2022 10:19 AM
Oct 2018
Why did this episode felt like only lasted 2 minutes?
Feb 10, 2022 10:20 AM
Jul 2016
Go, Boiji!

Super cool fight scene.

I haven't seen Jojo, but is this how the "Stands" work lmao???
erikkamirsFeb 10, 2022 11:50 AM
Feb 10, 2022 10:22 AM
Feb 2022
FUIMEFeb 10, 2022 10:25 AM
Feb 10, 2022 10:24 AM
Feb 2022
That’s a joke ousama ranking is good
Feb 10, 2022 10:38 AM
Oct 2016
erikkamirs said:

I haven't seen Jojo, but is this how the "Stands" work lmao???

I don't know what part of the episode you are talking about, but probably not.
Feb 10, 2022 10:40 AM

May 2021
Great episode! We see more of Despa, Desha and Ouken's past and how at the age of 25, Ouken gained the power of immortality! Boji fights against Ouken and dodges and fights very well with his sword but Ouken's durability/immortality really helps him out...
Boji has a special move as well it seems and shatters Ouken's sword but it just regenerates!

Looking forward to the next episode!
Feb 10, 2022 10:41 AM
Oct 2016
Legendary episode, up there with some of the greats like episode 3 and 7. Everything was amazing this episode, the animation, the music, the fight choreography and the character moments.
Feb 10, 2022 10:54 AM

May 2021
Great episode!

We finally learnt about Ouken's backstory and as many predicted, he's indeed Despa and Desha's brother; and he's immortal which had the effect of removing his humanity leading him to be imprisoned and then later freed by Miranjo. He seems to not have acupuncture points which explains why he's Bojji's biggest weakness. Their fight scene was pretty amazing and had me quite nervous, not gonna lie. Let's see how it concludes.

For some reason, Bojji and Apeas' conversation brought tears to my eyes. We also get some flashbacks to Miranjo's past tho nothing of note seems to have been revealed apart from the fact that she had a mother and that she wants to stay by Bosse's side and destroy the kingdom.

Overall, amazing episode which did what it needed to. 5/5

On a side note, I found it pretty adorable how Kage found a magic mirror and then instead of questioning it, he starts boasting about how powerful Bojji is.
RioFSFeb 10, 2022 12:10 PM

Feb 10, 2022 11:08 AM

Jul 2021
Bojji is in a very difficult situation, as his enemy is immortal. Probably the others will get to where he is, but maybe something bad has already happened.
Feb 10, 2022 11:19 AM

Jul 2017
This was definitely.... an episode. Won't lie, a part of my focus was on the NBA trade deadline and the shit going on there with the Harden trade that affected my enjoyment of this episode but yeah, this wasn't a special or exciting episode by any means for me while not being awful either. Got to learn more about Ouken and his immortality in the process. Still not a fan of Bojji's 'growth' over this portion of the series since it doesn't really stick with me with how weak the build was and this episode didn't do much to change that.
Feb 10, 2022 11:39 AM
Jul 2018
Man what an episode we get to know a little bit about ouken, and the fight between him and bojji was epic man i can't wait for the next episode
Feb 10, 2022 12:01 PM
Jun 2020
what a beautiful episode it was beautiful from the music and the great action Excited for the next episode let's go bojjiiii
Feb 10, 2022 12:10 PM

Jul 2011
Each episode show how Miranjo is bad at planning things. Every idea come to bite her.

Just the gateway part made this episode hardcore, for being made out of the shadow clan skin.

Im cool with redeeming Ouken but the other two should be executed.

Despa really have a good match for a horse, if you think that he began the chase just after Ouken escaped, and is very behind.
Feb 10, 2022 12:16 PM

Nov 2013
Next episode will be intense I recon. Miranjo backstory is also immanent it seems.

I wonder if Miranjo really does what she does to simply have fun with Bosse once more...

Feb 10, 2022 12:44 PM
The Komori

Mar 2013
I really enjoyed seeing the piece of backstory/explanation behind the underworld brothers, that was neat

Also, I kinda feel bad for Apeas but I kinda hate how much loyalty he has for Miranjo, so when best Girl Hiling heals him, I hope we see his backstory and truly learn why he's so loyal

But man the animation for Bojji vs Ouken was pretty good, and I loved that Ouken is literally a hard counter to Bojji so I'm intrigued to see how this whole situation will play out

My only gripe is that I wish that Bojji would let that one criminal dude die lol
Feb 10, 2022 1:53 PM
Ero Ojisan

Jun 2019
So Bojji is fighting against Ouken who is the immortal brother of King Desha and Despa. Miranjo wants to kill Queen Hiling just so that she can remain at King Bosse's side again. Ouken may be too much for Bojji to overcome because not only he's immortal, but his blade can regenerate.
Feb 10, 2022 2:05 PM
Sep 2021
Animation seemed a bit off in the first part, lots of still images and just the camera moving, but the second part got better animated so it's balanced.

Story-wise, it's still really enjoyable and I cannot wait for next week ! How will Bojji deal with Ouken ? Also, Ouken seems like a nice guy, originally...

I'm hoping Miranjo will get back some humanity from Daida, and will lift Ouken's curse using the demon, & maybe will she put Bosse in some puppet and they'll go live happily ever after ?

Okay, I'm day dreaming, but it's still a great episode and a great show, no matter how it ends ! :P
Feb 10, 2022 3:17 PM

Sep 2018
Comical episode, Bojji's growth is one of the worst things I 've seen in anime. I'm much more interested in Miranjo's background at this point.

Man, the OP pumps you up, only for you to get let down time and time again.
Feb 10, 2022 3:19 PM

Aug 2020
nice start of the episode. Kage met Miranjo and Bojji vs Ouken!

» [The World's Continuation【世界のつづき】- UTA/Ado ♪] «
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Come and Join us!
Evil Club ψ
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Feb 10, 2022 3:34 PM

Jun 2015
Can Kage stop talking and explaining everything that goes on? It's getting really annoying.
Feb 10, 2022 3:44 PM

Dec 2019
AnotherGuy said:
Can Kage stop talking and explaining everything that goes on? It's getting really annoying.

That be his only role in the show since ep 2 other than being Bojji's emotional support lol. His character was good in ep 2 and then was reduced to just being this.
Feb 10, 2022 4:02 PM
Apr 2021
The series is pretty good overall (the second opening is absolutely incredible, endings, animation, artstyle etc… are great) but for me it feels a bit off, now.
Some characters are boring and their scenes don’t match with the personality. Seeing everybody cry because Boji can fight, makes me cringe.
I understand it’s more than that, but in every episode somebody is crying. The show forces us to be emotional over this little man. At first it was fun but now even Boji and Kage cry.
I used to like the idea of the show but since second part has begun we don’t even know why Boji is here. He’s running everywhere not knowing what to do and that’s pretty much the same for Domas or even the King of the underground.

For me the story is missing something, the dialogues are totaly forgetable and the musics are good but poorly used. There is no antagonist in the series even if it says Miranjo is evil etc … because i don’t feel any kind of fear for the MC right now.
And i think the last episode was slow paced, as always (since 2nd part).

It makes me sad to say that but for me Ranking of king is a ~Good~ show with nice production, but with a terrible storytelling.

(I’m gonna watch until the end just because 2nd opening is a total W.)

(Sorry if my english is bad)
Feb 10, 2022 4:06 PM

Sep 2018
PtitTete said:
The series is pretty good overall (the second opening is absolutely incredible, endings, animation, artstyle etc… are great) but for me it feels a bit off, now.
Some characters are boring and their scenes don’t match with the personality. Seeing everybody cry because Boji can fight, makes me cringe.
I understand it’s more than that, but in every episode somebody is crying. The show forces us to be emotional over this little man. At first it was fun but now even Boji and Kage cry.
I used to like the idea of the show but since second part has begun we don’t even know why Boji is here. He’s running everywhere not knowing what to do and that’s pretty much the same for Domas or even the King of the underground.

For me the story is missing something, the dialogues are totaly forgetable and the musics are good but poorly used. There is no antagonist in the series even if it says Miranjo is evil etc … because i don’t feel any kind of fear for the MC right now.
And i think the last episode was slow paced, as always (since 2nd part).

It makes me sad to say that but for me Ranking of king is a ~Good~ show with nice production, but with a terrible storytelling.

(I’m gonna watch until the end just because 2nd opening is a total W.)

(Sorry if my english is bad)
No need to be sorry, it's an EXCELLENT post which echoes the thoughts of many.
Feb 10, 2022 4:22 PM
Feb 2021
Best fight of the series by FAR. This show is continuing to deliver with quality storytelling and animation. Hope they do anothe4 season.
Feb 10, 2022 4:46 PM

Sep 2020
I didn't expect the three brothers to be actually demigods, children of one of the last remaining gods obsessed with attaining immortality, but it all makes sense.

Desha → Completely takes after his father's appearance and inherits his godly powers
Despa → Likely takes after his mother appearance's (blonde hair) and human nature
Ouken → Not completely clear, especially considering that he unwillingly obtained the immortal nature that his father never achieved.
Feb 10, 2022 5:04 PM
Jan 2022
Great episode, loved the Ouken vs Bojji fight - probably the best so far.

GakutoDeathGlare said:
No need to be sorry, it's an EXCELLENT post which echoes the thoughts of many.

"excellent" lmao

"many" you mean ten or so of you ? lol
Feb 10, 2022 5:36 PM
Jan 2021
Kage is giving me the shits. *gasp* the talking mirror is the bad person.
Feb 10, 2022 5:40 PM
Apr 2019
Bojji vs Ouken was great
The backstory of the three brothers is interesting, i wonder what they will actually do
Feb 10, 2022 6:33 PM
Oct 2021
Every episode is a banger. I'd imagine edge lords really hating this though.
Feb 10, 2022 7:10 PM

Jul 2016
Wipe out absolutely everything with the sole purpose of starting a new journey with your beloved king Bosse? I swear Miranjo is being portrayed more and more like a yandere with each passing episode. And let's not forget about simp Apeas as well.

Another solid episode. Really liked the short exploration of Ouken's past with his brothers and the combat between him and Bojji was really entertaining to watch as well.
Also gotta love seeing Kage casually talking to a magic mirror about how cool Bojji is. He's so adorable.
Feb 10, 2022 7:27 PM
Jul 2021
Bojji vs Ouken was good.
Feb 10, 2022 8:01 PM

Jun 2019
If Kage could stop narrating the entire fight that would be great. Aside from that the fight between Bojji and Ouken has been good so far. I also liked that we learned how he became immortal.
Feb 10, 2022 8:21 PM
Sep 2017
the opening gets me every time as always. The backstory at the beginning was nice, I was honestly starting to get lost with all the characters bouncing around with separate agendas.
Feb 10, 2022 8:25 PM

Apr 2021
This episode was awesome......Bojji fighting Ouken was just so Kage meets Miranjo.....And so many other things also happen simultaneously ....Can't wait to see what happens next!!!!!
Feb 10, 2022 11:32 PM

Aug 2014
GakutoDeathGlare said:
Comical episode, Bojji's growth is one of the worst things I 've seen in anime. I'm much more interested in Miranjo's background at this point.

Man, the OP pumps you up, only for you to get let down time and time again.

It's kind of a shame that a man of your caliber going by the cringiest bio I have ever read in my entire life on any website ever is forced to sit and watch through this series and cry about it. I genuinely don't know how you can be helped. Hopefully you find the right institution to share your... whatever it is you're struggling with. Good luck.
Feb 10, 2022 11:54 PM

Dec 2017
The whole story of the King of the Underworld and his 3 children is interesting, hopefully we will be shown more of Ouken's "transformation" and not stay in "with immortality life loses meaning"

It was good to see the current state of almost all the characters, although with some it was only seconds. Well, now we know Miranjo's goal, but it seems that the really cool thing will be to see his motivations (oh, a good-hearted mom) and what relationship he has with the demon.

The fight was good, I wasn't expecting something super epic because it was clear that the first clash of swords was to show Boji's ability and how he is losing advantage by meeting his couter.
Feb 11, 2022 1:49 AM

Sep 2020
bojji's fight scene against ouken was amazing
Feb 11, 2022 5:00 AM

Feb 2020
Another nice backstory from the trio death-brothers. Their father, crazed demigod whose trying to seek immortality by killing all his people before finally found a way, sounds like something i heard before. Ah, right, Bosse. Idk if that's related or not, and which first having the knowledge of it, but those two really seek something wrong from their own blood and flesh. Strong people can be that insane sometimes actually are not so surprising anymore. So Ouken kinda be the opposite result of Bosse immortality. The father who was supposed to gain the power, via however way, quickly died before its finished to transfer. As the result, the choosen child bear the unwanted power and become the curse at the end of the day. What a sad ending for the last brother. But, what if Miranjo failed to make Daida drank the juicy beverage and reborn King Bosse. Can Daida be second Ouken too?

Well, enough of that, soulless Ouken surely intriguing, especially with the laugh, truly a wicked one. That untouched power looks like a big deal. But as expected its easy for Bojji to just evade. Ouken also realized Bojji had a great deal and need to be careful. However, since Ouken knew Bojji's swordsmanship proved to had no effect at all, its looks like the table already flip around. Not to mention Bojji nature also always clinging to help the others, its dangerous for him.

Still i expect some more usual twist from Ousama Ranking for the incoming episode, however it is. Maybe Kage can stop just talking and ready to give a good hands? Or there's another help coming from someone that already get introduced. Since you know, the real fight of the end of this, is actually between son and his father, Bojji and Bosse.
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges
Feb 11, 2022 7:34 AM

Sep 2020
Kage need to shut his mouth and help Bojji. Mf is annoying asf.
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